Early intervention key to driving sustainability in cardiorenal care

心肾疾病对人类、社会和地球的影响是巨大的,而且还在不断增长,1 yet cardiorenal diseases remain underdiagnosed,2,3 未见2 它们之间的相互联系,2 under-recognised. By better underst和ing these interconnections, driving earlier 筛选 和 intervention 和 improving access to healthcare, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以减缓疾病的发展. 保持人们的健康可以减轻医疗保健系统的负担,同时也可以最大限度地减少住院治疗和碳密集型治疗对地球造成的影响. At AstraZeneca, we are focused on sustainable science, 使病人护理途径脱碳 发挥澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的作用,以更低的环境足迹改善公平获得医疗保健的机会. 

的 environmental impacts of chronic kidney disease

全世界有超过8.4亿人——相当于每10个人中就有1个人——患有慢性肾病(CKD)。4, a progressive 和 potentially fatal condition.5 当CKD进展到晚期时,需要血液透析或肾移植.6 Haemodialysis remains one of the most carbon-intensive fields in medicine, 一年内消耗大量的水,产生大量的医疗废物, 在全球范围内, haemodialysis uses more than 169 billion litres of water7 和 creates more than one billion kilograms of medical waste.8

As the burden of CKD continues to grow, so too will the environmental impacts. Recent real-world evidence (RWE) from the UK, 来自IMPACT CKD分析, 预测,, by 2032, 对接受中心血液透析的患者的环境影响将相当于1以上.35 million tonnes of CO2 emissions (CO2e).9

的refore,re is a critical need to diagnose 和 treat CKD early. 减缓疾病进展, 避免住院和预防心肾并发症将减少血液透析和其他强化治疗所需的碳排放和淡水. 这将最大限度地减少对地球的影响,并根据绿绿倡议促进更好的健康结果.10

Calculating the carbon intensity of haemodialysis 

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在努力解决CKD对环境的影响,并支持医生早期筛查和诊断心肾疾病. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在提高人们对慢性肾病和其他心脏肾脏疾病(如心力衰竭)之间联系的认识, 和 collaborating on initiatives to assess the environmental impact of treatment. 与纽卡斯尔泰恩医院NHS基金会信托和可持续医疗保健联盟(SHC)合作, we have developed an open access in-centre Haemodialysis 碳计算器 (ICHD) to enable hospitals to assess their haemodialysis units’ carbon footprint.


Decarbonising chronic kidney disease treatment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28, we presented initial findings from research on the health, health system 和 environmental burdens of CKD in the UAE.

的 讨论文件,与…合作开发 可持续医疗保健联盟 (SHC), 纯粹的健康Maverex,下划线。 早期发现和预防对减少终身医疗保健排放的重要性. One study using the SHC Care Pathway Guidance11 发现随着CKD的进展, 每位患者的碳排放量增加, 血液透析是温室气体(GHG)排放的最大个体贡献者. 该研究还发现,CKD治疗在每个CKD阶段(1-5)的排放量增加了6.8-58.7% of CO2e on top of the average UAE persons’ annual greenhouse gas footprint.12

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与阿布扎比卫生部(DoH)的阿布扎比公共卫生中心(ADPHC)的合作——也在COP28上宣布——旨在使阿联酋的医疗保健生态系统脱碳, 包括关注慢性肾病, 下划线 interconnection between climate action 和 illness prevention policies.

Digital patient pathways in heart failure

心力衰竭(HF)是一种复杂的综合征,发生在心脏不能向全身泵出足够的血液时,它和慢性肾病是相互关联的.13,14 Nearly 64 million people worldwide live with HF, 1 approximately one third of which also live with CKD.15 早期发现心衰在预防不良临床和患者预后方面起着至关重要的作用.1

在英国,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与 NHS大格拉斯哥和克莱德, 苏格兰西部创新中心, 格拉斯哥大学 以及其他合作伙伴 项目的歌剧主动的,主动的 optimise a digital diagnostic pathway for HF in the community, reducing echocardiogram waiting times down from 12 months to 6 weeks.16 早期诊断意味着患者可以开始适当的心衰治疗,降低住院和死亡的风险,同时每位患者每年减少8公斤的二氧化碳排放. 17 目前,该公司正在向英国、西班牙、法国、德国、墨西哥和中国的其他地区扩张.

Strengthening our commitment in cardiovascular disease with 健康心脏非洲 

Cardiovascular disease (CV) accounts for nearly 50% of mortality in CKD stages 3-5.18 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 健康心脏非洲 (HHA)方案解决了非洲高血压和心血管疾病日益严重的影响, 他们的目标是到2025年使非洲的高血压患者达到1000万人. We have established programmes to work with clinicians, governments 和 policymakers to improve access to healthcare, remove barriers to diagnosis 和 change the way millions of 病人 receive CV care. HHA通过提高对高血压症状和风险的认识来支持地方卫生系统, 培训提供者,将护理工作推向医疗保健系统的较低层次,并提供健康教育, 筛选, plus reduced-cost treatment 和 control.

We are proud to be working with healthcare professionals, 病人, governments 和 policy makers to improve equitable access to healthcare, remove barriers to diagnosis 和 provide optimal treatment. Early 筛选 和 intervention can keep people healthier, 减缓疾病进展, 并尽量减少对地球的影响.

海伦叶 澳门在线赌城娱乐crvrm医疗事务副总裁

Reducing the environmental costs of cardiorenal diseases

的 need for immediate action is now more urgent than ever. By better underst和ing interconnections between cardiorenal diseases, 通过推动早期筛查和干预以及改善公平获得医疗保健的机会,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐可以改善患者的治疗结果, reduce environmental impacts 和 ultimately save lives.19,20

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐致力于发挥自己的作用,以更低的环境足迹提供更好的医疗保健结果, 和 creating positive societal impact helping more people live healthier, 更好的生活.



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